I was on my way back to Sibu to catch my flight tomorrow morning together with Michelle when suddenly I received a call. The person on the other line told me that i am required to attend a meeting tomorrow back at my station. I was speechless for a while, then i thought, " It is just a meeting, I can always go back to Kuching the next day". The worse part of it was the money that i use to buy my ticket would be a waste, plus I had everything planned...
Come to think of it, i was a little bit upset and angry. But a responsibility is a responsibility, so I am going to take the earliest express boat from here tomorrow and buy myself a new ticket on Sunday.
Come to think of it, i was a little bit upset and angry. But a responsibility is a responsibility, so I am going to take the earliest express boat from here tomorrow and buy myself a new ticket on Sunday.
it is just a meeting..like u said..AND life is NOT always fair..hmm..u can always catch the last express to sibu again 2moro and sambng gik aktiviti kat sibu tok b4 u go to kuching sunday tok..
Well you are back now...you know the ups and downs in life is just normal. The rest is extraordinary.
Chel- hehe...yeah cel...
Adrian- Yes, expect the unexpected.
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