First and foremost;
To a close friend of mine who's going to tie the knot in the upcoming June. And an BFF who got herself engaged last few weeks.

To labmate who is always there to help me in my labwork although work was not up to my expectation lately. Those people who, I envy and inspire me, Liyana (I know you've been waiting for my update,)Bell and Jong Jen(although I know JJ wouldn't read my blog I'm just gonna thank her anyway).
To Dr H who put up a lot of patience in my work.
To the clan for not showing up in few invitation and events, not to mention updating you guys with my latest news and what's not.
To Dr H for not giving you a satisfactory result lately, still working on it, don't worry.
To God for not showing myself at Your house lately.
Happy belated...
Birthday- To dad, mum, big sis and Lil sis, sorry couldn't make it grand this time, caught up in other commitment.To Jup, sorry for not showing up in your bday party.
Mothers day- to mum and big sis and all the mothers around the world.
Teachers day- to all educator in the country.
Fuh!!! guess that wrap up everything, will be back for an update soon.